Museum of the Mask in Guerrero
Museum of the Mask in Guerrero This museum aims to introduce national and foreign visitors to the rich mask tradition of the State of Guerrero and offer, at the same time, a perspective through the history of masks from Mexico and the world.

With the aim of strengthening and disseminating this cultural heritage, a vision of the hundreds of masks that make up its collection is offered; however, this is a task that takes time, is perfectible and is constantly evolving.
The masks exhibited in the museum are the product of donations from individuals and institutions, each one of them is subjected to a conservation and restoration analysis to later be classified in a museological exercise.
Often a mask is worn over or in front of the face to hide a person’s identity and, due to its own characteristics, turn the wearer into another being. This essential feature of hiding and revealing personalities is common to all masks.
As cultural objects, masks have been used throughout the world in all periods since the stone age, and have been as varied in appearance as they are in their use and symbolism.
Masks have been designed in countless varieties, mask makers have shown great ingenuity in the selection and combination of available materials. Among the traditionally used materials are wood of all kinds, metals, shells, natural fibers, ivory, clay, bones, stones, feathers, leather or skins, paper, cloth and corn husks.
The mission of the Museum of the Mask consists of the investigation, conservation and dissemination of the mask as a cultural product that provides identity, also generating in the visitor a proximity to the mask and the issues that revolve around its expression and meaning.
Do not forget to visit the museum with comfortable clothes and shoes to see all the rooms.
Confirm the times and available capacity prior to your visit.
Schedule your visit to the museum, this activity takes you half a day to do.
Address: Petaquillas neighborhood, Acapulco de Juárez, Guerrero, CP 39360