Weather in Acapulco today and for the weekend
Weather in Acapulco today and for the weekend; Acapulco is blessed with warm and pleasant weather throughout the year, with only variations in the amount of rain and humidity throughout the year.
Acapulco is blessed with warm and pleasant weather throughout the year, with only variations in the amount of rain and humidity throughout the year. It has a tropical savannah climate with dry winters. Tropical storms and hurricanes are a threat from May to November.
Weather in current and in the next days in Acapulco
ACAPULCO DE JUÁREZ ClimaHow is the weather in Acapulco and what is the best time of year to go to Acapulco in Mexico?
Here is some average weather data we collected from our historical weather data:
- A lot of rain (rainy season) falls in the months of: June, July, August and September.
- it has dry periods in January, February, March, April, November and December.
- On average, the warmest month is April.
- On average, the coldest month is January.
- September is the wettest month. This month should be avoided if you don’t like a lot of rain.
- March is the driest month.
¿Do these weather conditions coincide when you want to go to Acapulco in Mexico?

For more information, check out the weather forecast and our average weather information (by month in graphs) in a beautiful summary below.
Weather in Acapulco for the weekend
Depending on the period of the year is the temperature of the city in Acapulco
Yes, rest assured that you will have to sweat, but don’t worry, you can cool off in the sea. Nothing better than having fun in Acapulco
The rainy season falls in the months of: June, July, August and September has dry periods in January, February, March, April, November and December. On average, the warmest month is April. On average, the coldest month is January. September is the wettest month. This month should be avoided if you don’t like a lot of rain. March is the driest month. Without a doubt, coming to Acapulco on vacation is the best.